Become a Member
Thank you for your interest in EENC's Membership opportunities! Below, find information and registration details for all of our Individual and Organizational Membership Levels. We can't wait to have you in our community!
Individual Membership
Whether professional environmental education employment is your past, present, or future, find the individual membership level with the benefits that best meet your needs! EENC is the professional organization for environmental educators in the state. Show your love for environmental education, become more engaged in your professional community, and gain exclusive benefits to help advance your professional career by joining EENC!
Individual Membership Levels: EENC actively seeks a membership that reflects North Carolina's population. To promote inclusivity and access to our membership benefits, EENC offers a free Honorary Membership, and multiple paid Membership levels tiered by demographic. All paid membership levels receive the same annual benefits.
Honorary Membership: Available for all active enrollees in the NC Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs' Environmental Educator Certification program; also awarded by EENC Staff or Board on an individual basis for meaningful contributions to EENC's mission. Free, one-year duration.
Student Membership: For undergraduates and graduate university students enrolled on a full-time schedule (12+ credit hours/semester) who are interested in a career in the environmental education sector. $25 annual rate.
Senior Membership: For environmental educators and community members ages 65+. $25 annual rate.
New to EE Membership: For those professionals of any age who are just starting their careers in the environmental education sector. $35 annual rate; eligible for up to three years.
Professional Membership: EENC's standard membership for professionals in the environmental education sector. $45 annual rate.
Life Membership: A lifetime of Professional Membership in one $450 payment. Also available as an installment plan of three annual payments of $150.
Individual Membership Benefits: EENC's member benefits are extensive, and the list is growing all the time! Benefits marked with an asterisk (*) are limited to paid membership levels at this time; see the at-a-glance chart view of benefits by level below.
Discounted registration prices for all EENC professional learning courses and workshops, including those that are eligible for Criteria I, Criteria III, and Continuing Education credit for the NC Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs’ Environmental Educator Certification Program.
Access to our directory of 500+ members across North Carolina.
Invitations to periodic Member Community Calls, a facilitated community of practice offering resource sharing, networking opportunities, and discussions of current trends and best practices in the field of environmental education.
Access to EENC's resource database, featuring a growing collection of 40+ webinar recordings, downloadable templates and infographics, summaries of relevant policies and standards, and more – including many recordings that are eligible for Criteria III and Continuing Education credit for the NC Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs’ Environmental Educator Certification Program.
Eligibility to apply for EENC’s annual Mini-Grant funding.*
Early access to the request for session proposals, award nomination, and registration and lodging forms for EENC’s annual conference;* discounted registration prices for EENC’s annual conference.
Eligibility to apply for fiscal sponsorship by EENC.*
Inclusion on the “Member Memo” monthly email list in addition to EENC’s public monthly newsletter.*
Member-only voting rights on annual Board of Directors nominations and other key motions guiding EENC’s operations, planning, and visioning processes; eligibility to run for a seat on the Board of Directors.*
Eligibility for key Awards within EENC’s annual awards recognition program: Outstanding Newcomer, Outstanding Practitioner, Outstanding Service, and the Melva Fager Okun Life Achievement Award.*
The intangibles: find community and make connections with your peers; show your support and commitment to the advancement of environmental education in North Carolina; build your resume and skill set; and help ensure that this professional society for environmental educators in NC is available into perpetuity!

Most Popular
For environmental education professionals across all sectors.
Valid for one year

Excellent Value
One payment, a lifetime of Professional level membership benefits.
Valid until canceled

Life Member Installment Plan
Every year
Three annual payments; a lifetime of Professional benefits.
Valid until canceled

New to EE
For those new to the environmental education profession.
Valid for one year

For educators age 65+.
Valid for one year

For university students enrolled in 12+ credit hours/semester.
Valid for one year
Become an Individual Member
Organizational Membership
In addition to Individual Membership, EENC offers Organizational Memberships that include exclusive benefits, designed to support not only the individual environmental educator, but the organizations, agencies, and schools across our state doing environmental education work. EENC's Organizational Member community is currently over 20 strong; get to know our Organizational Members here.
Organizational Membership Levels: EENC actively seeks a membership that reflects North Carolina's population. To promote inclusivity and access to our membership benefits, EENC offers multiple paid Organizational Membership levels tiered by included staff.
Bronze Membership: 3 Staff included
Silver Membership: 6 Staff included
Gold Membership: 10 Staff included
Platinum Membership: 25 Staff included
Titanium Membership: 50 Staff included
Diamond Membership: 100 Staff included
Organizational Membership Benefits: EENC's member benefits are extensive, and the list is growing all the time! Review the full list of available benefits, then see below for an at-a-glance chart view detailing eligible benefits by membership level.
Invitation to Annual Organizational Membership Meeting, a private gathering featuring updates on EENC projects and accomplishments and opportunities to network with other Organizational Members.
Named in EENC’s Annual Report.
Printed Certificate of Membership and window cling for display at Organization’s physical location; EENC logo stickers for all included staff.
Invitations to Bi-Monthly Organizational Member Calls, a facilitated community of practice featuring organizational-specific resource sharing and networking opportunities among organizational members.
One organizational highlight on EENC’s social media platforms annually.
Inclusion in EENC annual Organizational Membership appreciation social media post.
Eligibility to participate in EENC’s annual spring collaborative crowdfunding campaign, Let’s Grow Together – includes access to personalized fundraising mentorship and promotion of organization’s mission through EENC channels.
Digital badge of Membership for display on Organization’s online platforms.
Organization name, logo, and link displayed on EENC’s website.
Eligibility to request a letter of support from EENC for grant proposals.
Eligibility to request EENC presence (speaker and/or printed promotional materials) at organizational events.
Site preference for EENC-hosted workshops and networking events in your area.
Eligibility for collaborative marketing at EENC exhibits and tabling events (maximum of 5 events per year).
Free ($300 value!) exhibit space at EENC’s annual conference.
Individual Membership benefits (listed above) for all Included Staff.
The intangibles: find community and make connections with other NC environmental education organizations; show your support and commitment to the advancement of environmental education in North Carolina; advance your staff's professional skill sets; and help ensure that this professional society for environmental educators in NC is available into perpetuity!

Become an Organizational Member
Bronze Membership
130$1-3 Team MembersValid for one yearSilver Membership
240$Up to 6 Team MembersValid for one yearGold Membership
360$Up to 10 Team MembersValid for one yearPlatinum Membership
840$Up to 25 Team MembersValid for one yearTitanium Membership
1,400$Up to 50 Team MembersValid for one yearDiamond Membership
2,400$Up to 100 Team MembersValid for one year
Join us on the Road to 100!
EENC Sections
Our organization is divided into four sections so that we can offer professional development and social learning experiences with other members easily, regardless of where you are in the state. Which section do you belong to? Find your county on our section map to find your section!