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Call for Proposals: Piedmont-Western Section Mini-conference!

The Piedmont and Western sections of the Environmental Educators of North Carolina ( are uniting to host a 2018 Mini-Conference at the beautiful Camp T.N. Spencer Park in Concord, NC on June 15th, 2018. This conference will be a summer kick-off bringing together formal and non-formal educators who want to incorporate environmental education in engaging, innovative, and meaningful ways. Our theme, "Nature is Calling," invites participants to relax and unwind in our greatest classroom: the outdoors.

This is a Call for Proposals (CFP) for educators who have experienced success in helping their students make vital connections between themselves and their natural landscape; and want to share these successes with the education community. Our intent of these hour-long workshops are to offer tools and confidence to its participants to join the movement (both literally and figuratively) of transporting our educational settings to the outdoors. Workshops addressing the barriers that keep us inside and how to overcome said barriers are encouraged. We welcome topics focusing on cross-curricular integration in a natural setting and using curiosity and inquiry to enhance outdoor learning. Such workshops should reflect best teaching practices utilizing engaging and hands-on modes of learning throughout the program.

Hear Nature Calling? Submit your proposal by April 4th. You will be asked to provide the following:

  1. Name, E-mail, Phone Number, Employer, Job Title

  2. Summary of workshop (No more than 300 words) including a title, topics addressed, activities of participants

  3. Technology needs for workshop such as a laptop, LCD projector, screen, etc.

  4. Set-up for workshop: Indoors, outdoors or both, stadium or classroom seating

Please note that by your submission, you are committing to attend the conference should your proposal be selected. Please let this also serve as a “Save the Date” for attendees! We are very excited about this coming together of local professionals to learn from one another and grow in their field.

Again, the Conference will be on June 15th, 2018 from 8 am – 5 pm followed by a social at Cabarrus Brewing Company. We are keeping the costs very low to minimize any barriers of your attendance. Formal educators will attend at no charge. The charge for non-formal educators will be between $15 - $20. There will be more information to follow, so please mark this date on your calendar and be on the lookout for more to come!


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