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New Equity and Inclusion Resource Collection!

Are you interested in making #EEforAll? Do you want to provide more equitable and inclusive spaces for your students and your co-workers? Do you need additional support to help make the case for diversity, equity, and inclusion in your workplace? Are you looking for partners in this work?

EENC is thrilled to announce our new "Equity and Inclusion in Environmental Education" online database. We have organized articles, research, videos, podcasts, books, people, and organizations from across the internet into five categories:

  • Making the Case for Equity and Inclusion in EE

  • Helping You Learn More: Deeper Dives, Strategies, and Best Practices

  • Teaching With Equity and Inclusion

  • Inspirational People and Stories: Shining a Spotlight on Amazing Work by Phenomenal People

  • Building Your Network: Organizations, Business and Agencies

Our goal was to help bring together resources so you can spend your time learning, rather than searching. This collection is open and accessible for anyone to use - so please free to share these links widely!

If you have additional resources to share or if you have feedback to help improve the collection, please contact our executive director.


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