In this time of physical distancing, we've been hearing from educators across the state about the need for community. EENC has hosted a handful of community calls in response to COVID-19, but we're hearing the demand for more! As an organization with one staff, our capacity is limited. Will you help fill this need?
We are looking for help with hosting online community building. EENC can provide an online platform and help spread the word, but we need volunteers willing to take the lead to plan, facilitate and moderate live conversations. You can pick any conversation topic that matches your interests, but online community building might look like:
Social events (ex: happy hour, live outdoor scavenger hunt, group trivia)
Focus group conversations on a specific topic (ex: summer camp , fundraising)
Conversations among a particular audience (ex: managers, furloughed educators, working parents with kids at home)
You don't have to be an expert to host any of these! You just have to be willing to help get others talking.
We are also looking for people to host online professional development webinars. Needs we've heard include: graphic design, how to make a good EE video, how to set up a Google Classroom/online learning platform, and NC DEQ EE Certification Criteria II ("Outdoor Environmental Education Experiences").