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Working toward an equitable future: Statement from EENC President, Amy Renfranz

We join you this week in mourning and frustration over the ongoing harm that people of color experience in our country, including the murders of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery and the racism experienced by Christian Cooper while he was birding in Central Park. We recognize that they represent a small and recent sample of a much larger issue, and that there cannot be inclusive environmental education in outdoor spaces until all people feel safe in their communities.

Environmental education is critical for a sustainable future. It provides time in - and a connection to - the outdoors which research has shown to improve academic performance and physical, mental, and emotional health, making it just as important for our participants as it is for the planet. EENC embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion as central to our work. It will take people of all ages and backgrounds working together to achieve our vision for a sustainable future. We believe everyone regardless of race, creed, age, sexual/gender identity, income, physical/mental ability, etc. should feel welcome in EE activities in North Carolina to reap these various benefits.

As part of a continuing initiative to support our members, EENC has compiled an entire online library of equity and inclusion resources - information to help all of us become better allies (if white), understand our own biases, and create more inclusive learning environments. A selection of resources can be found by clicking on the links below.

We rededicate ourselves to listening and working toward a more equitable, anti-racist future. Will you join us?

We join you this week in mourning and frustration over the ongoing harm that people of color experience in our country, including the murders of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery and the racism experienced by Christian Cooper while he was birding in Central Park. We recognize that they represent a small and recent sample of a much larger issue, and that there cannot be inclusive environmental education in outdoor spaces until all people feel safe in their communities.

Environmental education is critical for a sustainable future. It provides time in - and a connection to - the outdoors which research has shown to improve academic performance and physical, mental, and emotional health, making it just as important for our participants as it is for the planet. EENC embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion as central to our work. It will take people of all ages and backgrounds working together to achieve our vision for a sustainable future. We believe everyone regardless of race, creed, age, sexual/gender identity, income, physical/mental ability, etc. should feel welcome in EE activities in North Carolina to reap these various benefits.

As part of a continuing initiative to support our members, EENC has compiled an entire online library of equity and inclusion resources - information to help all of us become better allies (if white), understand our own biases, and create more inclusive learning environments. A selection of resources can be found by clicking on the links below.

We rededicate ourselves to listening and working toward a more equitable, anti-racist future. Will you join us?


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